Full-Gaps Day 40 (Pre-Intro)

-coffee with honey
-tomato and cucumber slices


-fresh yellow plum

-Fish Sticks
-Homemade seafood cocktail sauce (homemade ketchup mixed with GAPS legal horseradish sauce and a few shots of Tabasco)
-Zucchini noodles with dairy free pesto
-beef broth

-1 tsp Magnesium Citrate (Natural Calm) in the morning
Had a foot cramp when I first woke up this morning. I think we're ready to start taking more magnesium, but I need to order more first.

Week 2 of dairy re-introduction: nothing :-)
Had a mix up this week and we won't be getting our raw yogurt until next week.

Energy Level:
Not great.

A bit testy this evening.

Brain Power:
Had a few stumble-y sentences this evening.

Back pain:
No low back pain this morning.
Between the shoulder blade pain kept me company while making dinner.

Foot pain:
A bit of stabby pain in left foot this morning and evening.
Very mild pain in both feet through the day.

Knee Pain:
Didn't notice any knee pain today.


Day of cycle:
6 (.) is over.

Last nights sleep:

I'm reading the graphic novel Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. I love Jane Austen, but didn't want to read a whole version devoted to zombies. When I friend told me there was a graphic novel available I checked it out at the local library.

It's surprisingly entertaining. Definitely gross in places, but it's made me smile a few times too.

Is it weird that after a lifetime of never reading a graphic novel I've read two within a month of each other? The first one was Janet Evanovich's Trouble Maker. I love her writing. She's a funny lady.

I didn't eat very much today. Wasn't feeling hungry. It's hot.

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